The BOM or Bill of Materials is a list of Inventory items that can be used to repair or maintain the Equipment. Each Equipment Entry has a bill of materials page and each Inventory Detail Entry has a related equipment section. Filling either of one of these will fill the other.
Some of the benefits of having a complete BOM are being able to add parts to WO from the Bill of materials, being able to search parts by equipment and searching equipment by related Parts.
Adding Parts to the Bill of Materials
From Equipment Entry
On the Equipment Entry, go to the BOM tab
Click in the Part # field and use the search button to search the Inventory for parts.

Select one or more parts to add to the BOM. Add the number of these parts required in the QTY field.
Now save the Equipment Entry and both the Equipment and all added parts will be updated.

Click in the Part # field and use the search button to search the Inventory for parts.

Select one or more parts to add to the BOM. Add the number of these parts required in the QTY field.
Now save the Equipment Entry and both the Equipment and all added parts will be updated.
From Inventory Detail Entry
On the Inventory Detail Entry, go to the Details tab

Click in the Equipment # Field and use the Search button to use the equipment search.
Select one or more equipment that this part can be used on. Add the number of these parts required in the QTY field.
Now save the Inventory Detail Entry and both the inventory and all added equipment will be updated.

Click in the Equipment # Field and use the Search button to use the equipment search.

Select one or more equipment that this part can be used on. Add the number of these parts required in the QTY field.
Now save the Inventory Detail Entry and both the inventory and all added equipment will be updated.
Time Saver Alert!
Parts can be added to the BOM from the View Related button on the Equipment Entry. Click Here to learn more about the functions of this button.