• How To – Creating a new PM Frequency

    The PM Frequency is used along with the last done date to determine when it should be scheduled next. there are several common frequencies in the system already but, there may be situations where a new frequency is required.

  • Employee Entry

    Employee Records contain information about any employee and can be detailed or simple depending on your organization’s needs. The Employee record is also tied closely to Maintenance as these employee records are used to populate the Issue To field and every Mobile user must be linked to an employee record….

  • Increasing Text Size

    Since the zoom feature within Directline does not work for everyone, this article will describe a method to scale your session using settings in the Citrix Workspace client. Accessing the Citrix settings. In the bottom right corner of the windows screen, click the arrow button to show the task tray….

  • Requisition – Adding Line Items

    Line items on a requisition are the products or services that are being ordered. This article will cover the process for each of these types. Inventory Item Begin by entering a valid part number, or click the magnifying glass button to use the inventory search. Enter one or more criteria…

  • Reporting – Report Promotion

    Each user has a directory containing spreadsheets created by the reporter. You cna customize the Title, Column Labels, column widths, etc in these spreadsheets. The reporter will use these customized spread sheets unless the auto-Format option is not checked on the export screen. Promoting a template Navigation Promoting Every report…

  • Reporting – Report Definition Wizard

    The Report Definition Wizard gives users the ability to create custom reports on their own. these reports can come from almost any table and can include features such as subtotals, and pre-set filtering criteria. Navigation Creating a Report These steps will take you through the Report Definition Wizard one screen…

  • Reporting – All Modules

    Most reports in the Directline system export to a spreadsheet and they can be found in the All Modules window. Choose a Report Reports are broken up by module. Click the plus sign next to a module to see the reports available for that module. Canned reports are noted with…

  • Reporting – Table List

    When creating reports in the Report Definition Wizard you need to choose what table to take the info from. Below is a list of the common tables and examples of what reports can be taken from them.

  • Requisition Entry

    Requisitions are used as a point to generate a purchase order. Requisitions can be created from the Inventory Automatic Reorder process, from a Request for Quotation, or from the Requisition Entry screen. This article will focus only on the Requisition Entry screen.